3. mBrace3D, Placement Analysis of a Curved, Variable Depth, Single Tub Girder Bridge
This presentation explains the modelling and deck placement analysis of a curved, variable depth, single tub girder pedestrian bridge recently built in Houston, TX. It illustrates the parametric modelling capacities of the software and shows how mBrace3D is well suited for this type of complex analyses.
6. mBrace3D, Case Study of a Curved Plate Girder Bridge - Comparison with other FEA Software Packages
A four-girder, two-span continuous plate girder bridge with skewed supports is modelled in mBrace3D. Envelope moments as well as support reactions are compared with other FEA software packages (DESCUS I, STAAD, CSiBridge and ANSYS).
7. mBrace3D, Determination of Lateral Bending Stresses Using Large Displacement Analyses
AASHTO 6.10.3 constructability checks require the calculation of second-order lateral bending stresses, which are often approximated using amplification factors. However, these factors are often inaccurate, and the only reliable way to determine second-order lateral bending stresses is to conduct a large displacement analysis. This presentation illustrates these ideas on a curved, skewed, six-girder bridge.
8. mBrace3D, AASHTO Chapter 6.10.3 Constructibility Checks
AASHTO 6.10.3 constructibility checks are required for bridges during erection and construction and may control the design for severely curved and/or skewed systems. This presentation describes the different checks and explains how mBrace3D conducts and plots them in an automatic fashion, thereby relieving the bridge engineer from this time-consuming yet critical task.